Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stories from 1991:

Gary Brusates Eulogy

The sun set around noon today. It wasn't really dark, just dusky, dreary, and damp. They buried Gary in the rain. I don't ever remember going to a funeral when it didn't rain. Does it rain on everyone elses hero's bureals, or just mine?

Gary Brusate was a hero in every sense of the word, and he died a heros' death. His 72 year old father strapped to his back, he waded through the 38 degree water, fighting the waves, the bitter cold, the worst that the lake could throw at them. I wasn't there. No one was there. If there were anyone else there, we'd be burying them today too. But if someone had lived to tell the the story, they'd tell the story of a hero. A man that couldn't leave his father to save himself. His dad would have said, "go Gary, you've got a chance by yourself." We have to guess that this happened, but we don't have to guess Gary's answer. His solution to their life and death struggle involved both men. They'd both make it home tonight The strap that bound them stands as testimony to his selflessness.

To a real American Hero. We salute you Gary.

Note: Gary and his dad were checking on their cottage in Anchor bay. On the boat trip back to Anchor Bay Drive a sudden squal flipped their boat. Gary, a Clay Township police officer was found off the North Channel, his father strapped to his back. His dog was never found.


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